Menstrual Disorders

For some women, their monthly periods cause no concern, with not much discomfort.

However, for other women, a host of physical and/or emotional symptoms before and during menstruation cause significant disruption in their life. These symptoms range from heavy bleeding and missed periods to mood swings and hormonal imbalance.

Most of these problems relating to the menstrual cycle have simple explanations, and treatment options do exist that can help your symptoms. Once symptoms are diagnosed, we can assist with analysing the best treatments to make your cycle less disruptive for your life.

What are the symptoms of menstrual disorders?

Most menstrual periods go from between 5-7 days. Everybody experiences a menstrual period differently. What’s normal for you may not be for someone else.  

If the symptoms you experience with your period causes you significant issues and ability to lead a regular lifestyle, then you may have a menstrual abnormality.

Heavy Bleeding

Bleeding is considered substantial if it interferes with normal activities. In an average menstrual period, “normal” bleeding is about 5 tablespoons. If you have heavy bleeding, you may bleed much more than that. If you have to change your pad or tampon more than 4 times a day, you are experiencing heavy bleeding.

Some causes of heavy menstrual bleeding:
•               hormonal imbalance
•               structural abnormalities in the uterus (e.g. polyps or fibroids)
•               other medical conditions

No Menstrual Bleeding

It is normal to experience menstrual bleeding as part of your regular cycle, between puberty and menopause. Some women, however, may not experience a menstrual period at all. This condition is called amenorrhea, or the absence of menstruation. If you don’t get a monthly period and are not postmenopausal, pregnant, or pre-pubescent, then you need to check why this may be.

Postmenopausal bleeding

If you are past menopause and experiencing vaginal bleeding, discuss your symptoms with your GP immediately. Vaginal bleeding after menopause isn’t usual and should be checked by a health care professional.

Extreme Menstrual Cramping

Menstrual cramps are common, and most women have experienced them at some stage of their life. But if cramps are especially painful and persistent, it is essential to check why this may be so.

Pain from menstrual cramps is caused by the uterus contracting during the menstrual cycle. Severe menstrual pain can also bring on some diarrhoea or sometimes faintness – where you suddenly become pale and sweaty.

How can we help?

To help diagnose menstrual disorders, keep notes on the frequency and symptoms of your menstrual cycle. Also record any additional symptoms, such as cramping, and be prepared to discuss your health history.

Lionel will conduct a full medical examination to see if your condition is related to an underlying medical problem.

The more information you have and can provide us, the better.  

Treatments for menstrual disorders range from over-the-counter medications to surgery, as well as a variety of options in between. Your treatment options will depend on your diagnosis, its severity, which treatment you opt for, and your health history. Please contact our rooms for a consultation.

Lionel’s Journal

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