Pregnancy, whilst exciting can also be filled with fear and anxiety of the unknown. Here are some fears and symptoms of pregnancy that seem scarier than they are. Remember if you have concerns be sure to share them with your health care practitioner.
Morning Sickness
Apart from the rare and extreme cases, most morning sickness is normal and will subside. Rest assured the baby is getting everything they need even if you are living on crackers and juice for the moment.
Swelling in the feet
Most women experience swelling of the feet during pregnancy. Due to water weight and extra fluid, your feet may grow up to one full shoe size. In some cases, women’s feet stay that size after the baby is born.
Bloody nose/gums
Due to an increased blood volume, you may experience blood noses and bloody gums. Your heart also grows during pregnancy as it works harder to pump blood to your growing baby.
Luscious hair/nails
Thanks to all the pregnancy hormones pumping through your body your hair and nails will benefit greatly. Don’t be alarmed however if you begin losing large amounts of hair after the birth.
Random lactation
In the late pregnancy, some women lactate at the sound of someone else’s baby crying.
Linea nigra
Some women will develop a linea nigra which is a dark, vertical line that runs down the abdomen. Often this will go away after birth, though in some cases it may remain.
Baby brain
Feeling forgetful or like you have “baby brain”? That’s because pregnant women have less oxygen in their blood.
Heart Palpitations
Due to increased blood volume, you may feel heart palpitations, your heart is beating up to 25 per cent faster than usual and may result in palpitations. Palpitations can sometimes be felt the chest, throat or neck. If you are experiencing dizziness, shortness of breath, fainting or chest pain we recommend you seek medical attention. Keeping open communication with a chosen health care professional or midwife is crucial during pregnancy. When in doubt, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and seek medical attention if something feels off.